Brentwood CVS Membership

Brentwood CVS Membership
Our Membership Benefits  

Brentwood CVS Membership entitles you to the following benefits: 

  • Free access to our funding services, advice and guidance, 1-2-1 support, a bi-monthly funding e-bulletins
  • Free quarterly community newsletter, where your projects/events can be promoted free of charge
  • Free access to all CVS networking events where you can promote your projects and activities
  • Free access to training courses
  • Bespoke volunteering roles to suit your specific needs of the organisation
  • Signposting and referrals
  • Reduced rate room hires at Merrymeade House
  • Voting rights at our Annual General Meeting.

Currently Brentwood CVS membership is currently free of charge.
Please complete the membership form below. 

Membership Application Form

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