Regular Volunteering

Regular Volunteering

Volunteering is great for everyone involved. For the volunteer, it's a chance to feel good and learn new things while helping out. Charities rely on volunteers to do important work they might not otherwise be able to do. And for the local community, volunteers make things better by tackling problems and bringing people together. It's all about making a positive difference where it counts.

Here are some of the opportunities that are available, visit to see more.

John's Volunteer Journey

In 2020, I was a Creative Writing graduate who had moved home and was unemployed. So, I decided to volunteer at the Brentwood Theatre as an usher to reconnect with my love for the arts and contribute to my local community.

What I’ve most come to love about my role as a volunteer is the people I work with. I always look forward to my shifts knowing I get to do work I find fulfilling whilst surrounded by creative people equally passionate about the arts. Seeing shows for free is a nice perk, too!

Volunteering with the theatre has built up my confidence in my abilities, done wonders for my mental health and has made me feel like a valuable member of the community. It’s also helped me find paid work.

Putting myself forward as a volunteer has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had and remains the best decision I’ve made since moving back home.

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